
  • Transform living into happy, satisfied, pure, authentic, fearless, confident, balanced
    ( practical, emotional and spiritual) life.
  • Awakening your soul consciousness and Balancing the Energies.
  • Every kid, youth, men, women and senior – Every Soul on this earth can make a
    healthy environment by healthy Thoughts


  • Balance all the energies of your life.
  • Empower Self talk.
  • Enlighten the oneness.
  • Make your life your responsibility.
  • Make you love, obey and respect yourself.
  • Make you, your best friend.
  • Encourage the kids, the youth, the women, to write this journal.
  • Guide to achieve confident, positive and balanced state of mind.
  • Connecting you to eternal, connecting you to Divinity, connecting you to positivity.

Purpose of AUM


AUM is your companion, your guidance, your friend, your mind,
body & soul, your tool, your goals, your image.

AUM is Authentic You, from your heart to head to hand.

AUM guides you to design your journey step by step.
The Goal of AUM is to Balance the 7 energies of your life.
Balance means to activate them. Activation means channelizing
your thoughts focused on each energy.

The outcome of Balancing is, Self-analysis, Self-realization,
Self-motivation, Self-confidence and high Self-esteem.

Every step of this Journal shall guide, channalize, divert your
thoughts and action in the direction of activating your 7 energies
of life.

Let’s bring Consciousness in living. Let’s prioritize to achieve inner
happiness, peace, success and satisfaction of living balanced,
practical and emotional life.

The key to achieve such a life is to focus and consistently spend
time with this journal.

Step to use this journal

1.Sit in a peaceful comfortable place where you can read & write.
2.Light a candle.
3.Put your earphone and listen to slow instrumental music.
4.Read the purpose of this journal
5.Open the 1st energy i.e. Spirituality.
Read and answer the 6 questions honestly. Similarly, repeat the
above steps for all other energies of life.

6.Open the today’s date page
7.Write affirmations – positive statements connected with you
8.Thank everything possible every day .
Write Gratitude statements
9.Set your goals for the day.
10.Reward yourself, gift yourself.
11.Something very nice happens every day, so note your moments to
treasure as Memories.

Investing your valuable time with yourself each day consistently shall definetely bring happiness, clarity, success, awakening,
empowernment and channalize you.
Each Quote on each page in AUM is giving you a positive message.
I, Shweta Dhanak, author and visionary of this Journal wishes each one of you Transformative Journey of Life.


First, utmost important energy is spirituality. Spirituality has many meanings.
Spirituality means connecting YOU with YOURSELVES and living in the state of soul consciousness. ( Karmayogi state of mind)

You and Your body are separate, You is the source of energy which runs Your Body.

Spirituality is a balance of You (source of energy which runs your body),
your physical body, and supreme energy (source of universal energy).

By activating this energy you can:
– Gain positivity
– Connect with yourself and be Unstoppable
– Implement values in life
– Start Talking to yourself
– Connect with the energies that surround you and resides within you.

Your vibrations travel, thoughts travel, energy travels, the more you give your positive
energy the more you attract positivity in your life.

To energize the spiritual energy, which you possess, there are a set of six questions. Spent 5 to 7 minutes to answer them honestly because this is you and your life is your responsibility.



The second area of life is Thoughts. 
Thought is the Center of Origin of every task and results of every step you take in life.

Comes into WORDS,
Every Word someday becomes an ACTION,
Repeated Actions converts into HABIT,
Habit defines your CHARACTER,
Your Character leads you to your DESTINY.
Your Destiny surrounds you with your success, happiness, and peace in life.

Every thought which comes to your mind is an eye-opening opportunity and birth of an idea.

Believe in yourself. Work hard. Be positive. Keep performing. Keep doing your
best, don’t give up because the only way to succeed is to keep trying with self-motivating
thoughts. So let’s work on engineering this beautiful energy of life, which is called THOUGHTS with six energizing questions.


The third energy is Communication.
You Communicate with yourself that is INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION, you
communicate with your intimate family that is INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION and you communicate in your social life, which is called your SOCIAL COMMUNICATION.

In our daily life we communicate in various forms like phone calls, meeting people,
messages(Whatsapp), digital media( Instagram, Facebook etc.), connect with networking groups, which requires lots of energy. Let’s channelize these energies.
As, in every role communication is important, you need to plan and use your energy to balance. The more you use your energy in one area, you cannot use equivalent energy into the other areas.

You must have experienced, the minute you do too much of talking, too much of messaging then after a point you get tired. So you have to prioritize the areas where you want to
communicate to be balanced in all roles of life.

Activating your energy will guide you to prioritize how much you need to communicate,
where you need to invest your time, and with whom you need to invest your time, because
time is very precious and is irreversible.

Communication is also called SELF EXPRESSION. Communication can be non-verbal too,
which is your body language, your actions, your behavior.
Communication plays a very vital role. Let’s activate this energy of life by the set of six questions.


The next energy is your Health.
Your health is your body. You really need to energize your body in every way to keep
yourself happy, fit and performing in this world. Even, if you are very positive, mentally strong, your will power is very strong, but if your body doesn’t support you, you cannot perform, you cannot face this world.

People who are mentally very strong and positive perform consistently, remain balanced and helps them to become healthy beings. So to be consistent in taking care of your health is something what you require. Health is not only body Health. Health is also mental health.
It is also your emotional health.
It is also the kind of energy that radiates from you.
So let’s talk about the six questions which are very important to energize this area of Life.


The center of energy is Balance. Balance is universal.
Lets practically create a
– Balance of what you have to be and what you want to be,
– Balance of your financial earnings, your blessings earnings or your personal earnings,
– Balance between your maturity and your childishness,
– Balance between your positivity and your negativity,
– Balance between your sorrows and your smiles,
– Balance between your goods and your bad,
– It’s a balance of your complete life,
– Your mind versus soul
– Your positives versus your negatives,
– Your strength versus your weaknesses.

The neutral state of mind is the true  balance, which we need to evaluate, which we need to
understand, which we need to improvise.
In our busy life, we tend to forget and maintain the balance.

A neutral state of mind gives birth to a new idea, opportunity, hope, understanding,
evaluating, decision making, judgment.

Let’s know how to activate and energize this area by the six questions for you.


Relationships are everywhere you go.
You are related to yourself. You’re related to your intimate family, your cousins, and your social surrounding. They come along with birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, occasions, networking. There are a number of relationships that you need to energize and to energize relationships, these set of six questions are going to be very helpful.

We need to prioritize the 5 big bosses of our Life, they play a major role to create balance in our life for complete satisfaction, complete happiness, and a positive environment.
These 5 big bosses are:
–  Myself
– Mind, body, and soul.
– My partner.
– My parents.
– My kids.
– My earnings

Just like this even you can set your 5 big bosses whichever are very important for you.
If kids and youth are writing this journal, their bosses can be me, my parents, my studies, my passion, my activities, they can have their five priorities.

The six questions are designed to activate the energies to balance your relationships in every role of your life.

Earnings and Security

Your earnings give you security and Security gives you confidence in life
And confidence gives you more happiness.

Earnings are monetary earnings and blessings earnings.
Monetary earnings is the Need to live life in secured state of mind and
Blessings earnings is the Want to live life in Happy state of mind.
Balance of your earnings is important as happiness attracts money and money attracts happiness.
The more you are grounded means in emapathetic state of mind,
the more you earn balanced earnings, the more you grow in life.
Activating this energy shall guide you to understand the need, the want, the saving and the excess..
Track both your earning and gain security with the set of six questions.

“An hour of planning can save 10 hours of doing”

Amidst our busy schedule we often need some food for thought to gain deeper insight into the planning
of events happening in our life, whether they are Birthdays, Anniversaries, Occasions, Festivals or Networking.
The next few pages are your guidance system to manage and plan these events occuring in your Life in turn  managing the relationships of your life.

By noting down the names of People you will be connecting with you on every single day, you will learn to channelize your energies for meeting those people, you will learn to priortize them and balance all the roles of your life and all the areas of your life. The key benefit is that of self-transformation, self-evaluation and self-analysis.

Welcome to your daily Life

Its a brand New Year. More over its filled with 365 new days and equal number of opportunities. Feel blessed and thank God for getting to step into this year which YOU yourself are going to design it, live it and experience it to the fullest, contented, satisfied  and in a most balanced way.

This journal is exactly going to guide you to create your image the way you want to be the authentic You. In, every area of Life your performance will increase, your outcomes will become better and you will be able to balance all the roles of your life in the most optimum way, you would radiate happiness from within.

“Today is the day so lets work on your daily Life.”

So every day you begin your day with affirmation. How do you want to start affirming today? Note it down and repeat. In the same way, thank the universe, your parents for your existence, thank your partner for support. Thank the surrounding which is very kind to you. Also thank the nature so that is gratitude, make it your ritual.

Next comes your goals for the day. Work both on the long-term and short term-goals. Divide into smaller chunks to achieve them. And at the end of the day Reward yourself for having done all the tasks you noted in this journal. Everyday you need to reward your achievements. Appreciation gives a boost for your next day. It will challenge you, bring confidence. Whether you finish 4, 5 or 6 goals out of 10, what matters is completion of smallest tasks which is the first step towards your achievements.

Everyday in Life you do so many things and you want to catch a few of them as memory, but we forget to capture them. So, for you to cherish these Memories, make a note of them, write them down. So lets begin the Journey of enjoying this year in every smallest and simpliest of way and make the most out if it.

Frequently asked questions

AUM is a set of 2 parts in A4 size with 7 energies of life and daily life, colourful journal designed to activate your energies.

AUM can be shipped pan India and also going to be launched on Amazon on 15th January

The physical book retails for ₹2499 with discounted price of ₹1999.

YES, AUM can be carried. Your life, your responsibility, your friend, your companion, every day

AUM is very Simple to understand for everyone. We share self explanatory video of purpose of Aum and every energy. Take a, first step and enjoy the journey

Pre-Order your Planner Now!

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Your friend, Shweta Dhanak and your very own journal AUM is always there to support you. We await to connect with You on,

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